Results for 'J. Nicholas Kaufmann'

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  1.  20
    The betweenness of place: towards a geography of modernity.J. Nicholas Entrikin (ed.) - 1991 - Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press.
    What makes New York City different from Moscow? Are small towns looking more and more alike? What criteria should we use to distinguish one place from another? Today, geographers and other social scientists are debating not only the answers to these sorts of questions but even whether or not to ask them at all. This ongoing controversy about how (or whether) to study place and its meaning in modern life forms the focus of J. Nicholas Entrikin's pioneering work. Those (...)
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    Placing trust.J. Nicholas Entrikin - 2003 - Ethics, Place and Environment 6 (3):259 – 271.
    (2003). Placing Trust. Ethics, Place & Environment: Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 259-271.
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    Corporate Governance and the Politics of Property Rights in Germany.J. Nicholas Ziegler - 2000 - Politics and Society 28 (2):195-221.
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  4. Bokk Review.Eleonore Stump, Charles B. Schmitt, James J. Murphy, M. Mugnai, Robin Smith, C. W. Kilmister, N. C. A. Da Costa, von G. Schenk, Robert Bunn, D. W. Barron & A. Grieder - 1982 - History and Philosophy of Logic 3 (2):213-240.
    MEDIEVAL LOGICS LAMBERT MARIE DE RIJK (ed.), Die mittelalterlichen Traktate De mod0 opponendiet respondendi, Einleitung und Ausgabe der einschlagigen Texte. (Beitrage zur Geschichte der Philosophie und Theologie des Mittelalters, Neue Folge Band 17.) Miinster: Aschendorff, 1980. 379 pp. No price stated. THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY MARTA FATTORI, Lessico del Novum Organum di Francesco Bacone. Rome: Edizioni dell'Ateneo 1980. Two volumes, il + 543, 520 pp. Lire 65.000. VIVIAN SALMON, The study of language in 17th century England. (Amsterdam Studies in the Theory (...)
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    6 Geographic Landscapes and Natural Disaster.J. Nicholas Entrikin - 2011 - In Jeff Malpas (ed.), The Place of Landscape: Concepts, Contexts, Studies. MIT Press. pp. 113.
    This chapter explores the connection between the general discourse on human–environment relations and the study of natural hazard. The late Gilbert White, one of the leading geographers of the twentieth century and a leader in environmental hazards research endeavored to bring the idea of hazard and natural disaster back into the realm of public discourse and not let technical expertise and management limit its study. According to Kenneth Hewitt, ignoring the study of natural disaster puts a gaping hole in the (...)
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    After Dodd-Frank: Ideas and the Post-Enactment Politics of Financial Reform in the United States.John T. Woolley & J. Nicholas Ziegler - 2016 - Politics and Society 44 (2):249-280.
    The financial crisis of 2008 raised the politics of regulation to a new level of practical and scholarly attention. We find that recent reforms in U.S. financial markets hinge on intellectual resources and new organizational actors that are missing from existing concepts of regulatory capture or business power. In particular, small advocacy groups have proven significantly more successful in opposing the financial services industry than existing theories predict. By maintaining the salience of reform goals, elaborating new analytic frameworks, and deploying (...)
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    History of the Religion of Israel, Vol. IV: From the Babylonian Captivity to the End of Prophecy.J. Maxwell Miller & Yehezkel Kaufmann - 1981 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 101 (4):446.
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  8. Measurement of maternal and child mortality morbidity and health care: interdisciplinary approaches.J. Ties Boerma, S. Meyer, E. Schulze, K. M. Cleaver, G. A. Schreiber, J. A. Adetunji, G. Kaufmann, J. Cleland, E. Garrett & A. Wear - 1994 - Journal of Biosocial Science 26 (4):469-77.
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    The local validity of special relativity from a scale-relative perspective.Nicholas J. Teh, James Alexander Mabyn Read & Niels Linnemann - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
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  10. (2 other versions)The Search after Truth.Nicholas Malebranche, Thomas M. Lennon & Paul J. Olscamp - 1982 - Philosophy of Science 49 (1):146-147.
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    Nicholas Rescher on Hypothetical Reasoning and the Coherence of Systems of Knowledge.Nicholas J. Moutafakis - 1984 - Idealistic Studies 14 (3):229-236.
    In his celebrated article on the contrary-to-fact conditional Roderick Chisholm makes the following astute observation.
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  12. Reflections on the yellow star.J. Ean-Paul Sartre, Edith Thomas, Jean Paulhan & Dorothy Kaufmann - 2010 - In Adrian Mirvish & Adrian Van den Hoven (eds.), New perspectives on Sartre. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
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    Two Computational Approaches to Visual Analogy: Task‐Specific Models Versus Domain‐General Mapping.Nicholas Ichien, Qing Liu, Shuhao Fu, Keith J. Holyoak, Alan L. Yuille & Hongjing Lu - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (9):e13347.
    Advances in artificial intelligence have raised a basic question about human intelligence: Is human reasoning best emulated by applying task‐specific knowledge acquired from a wealth of prior experience, or is it based on the domain‐general manipulation and comparison of mental representations? We address this question for the case of visual analogical reasoning. Using realistic images of familiar three‐dimensional objects (cars and their parts), we systematically manipulated viewpoints, part relations, and entity properties in visual analogy problems. We compared human performance to (...)
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  14. Vagueness and Degrees of Truth.Nicholas J. J. Smith - 2008 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    In VAGUENESS AND DEGREES OF TRUTH, Nicholas Smith develops a new theory of vagueness: fuzzy plurivaluationism. -/- A predicate is said to be VAGUE if there is no sharply defined boundary between the things to which it applies and the things to which it does not apply. For example, 'heavy' is vague in a way that 'weighs over 20 kilograms' is not. A great many predicates -- both in everyday talk, and in a wide array of theoretical vocabularies, from (...)
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  15. André Mercier, Metaphysik-eine Wissenschaft sui generis. Theorie und Erfahrung auf dem Gebiete des Inkommensurablen Reviewed by.J. N. Kaufmann - 1981 - Philosophy in Review 1 (6):271-273.
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  16. Undead argument: the truth-functionality objection to fuzzy theories of vagueness.Nicholas J. J. Smith - 2017 - Synthese 194 (10):3761–3787.
    From Fine and Kamp in the 70’s—through Osherson and Smith in the 80’s, Williamson, Kamp and Partee in the 90’s and Keefe in the 00’s—up to Sauerland in the present decade, the objection continues to be run that fuzzy logic based theories of vagueness are incompatible with ordinary usage of compound propositions in the presence of borderline cases. These arguments against fuzzy theories have been rebutted several times but evidently not put to rest. I attempt to do so in this (...)
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    Love and Organizing in the Context of the Base of the Pyramid: An Integrative Justice Perspective.Nicholas J. C. Santos & Tina M. Facca-Miess - 2024 - Humanistic Management Journal 9 (2):155-165.
    This paper provides an overview of the Integrative Justice Model (IJM) for impoverished populations that was introduced in the marketing literature in the year 2009. The IJM was developed as a normative ethical framework to guide the growing corporate interest in the base of the pyramid (BoP) market to be fair and just to all parties but particularly the impoverished customer. In an impersonal marketplace that often exploits the less advantaged participant, the IJM provides five characteristics of “just” market situations. (...)
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    Acting on belief functions.Nicholas J. J. Smith - 2023 - Theory and Decision 95 (4):575-621.
    The degrees of belief of rational agents should be guided by the evidence available to them. This paper takes as a starting point the view—argued elsewhere—that the formal model best able to capture this idea is one that represents degrees of belief using Dempster–Shafer belief functions. However degrees of belief should not only respect evidence: they also guide decision and action. Whatever formal model of degrees of belief we adopt, we need a decision theory that works with it: that takes (...)
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  19. The Belief-Desire Model of Decision Theory Needs a Third Component: Prospective Intentions.J. Nicolas Kaufmann - 1995 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 178:215-228.
  20.  34
    Foucault historien et “historien ” du présent.J. N. Kaufmann - 1986 - Dialogue 25 (2):223-.
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    A Computational Logic for Applicative Common LISP.Matt Kaufmann & J. Strother Moore - 2002 - In Dale Jacquette (ed.), A Companion to Philosophical Logic. Malden, MA, USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 724–741.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction The ACL2 System A Modeling Problem Case Studies.
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    Listeners invest in an assumed other’s perspective despite cognitive cost.Nicholas D. Duran, Rick Dale & Roger J. Kreuz - 2011 - Cognition 121 (1):22-40.
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  23. Existing International Ethical Guidelines for Human Subjects Research: Some Open Questions.Nicholas A. Christakis & Morris J. Panner - 1991 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 19 (3-4):214-221.
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  24. Degree of belief is expected truth value.Nicholas J. J. Smith - 2010 - In Richard Dietz & Sebastiano Moruzzi (eds.), Cuts and clouds: vagueness, its nature, and its logic. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 491--506.
    A number of authors have noted that vagueness engenders degrees of belief, but that these degrees of belief do not behave like subjective probabilities. So should we countenance two different kinds of degree of belief: the kind arising from vagueness, and the familiar kind arising from uncertainty, which obey the laws of probability? I argue that we cannot coherently countenance two different kinds of degree of belief. Instead, I present a framework in which there is a single notion of degree (...)
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  25. Galileo’s Gauge: Understanding the Empirical Significance of Gauge Symmetry.Nicholas J. Teh - 2016 - Philosophy of Science 83 (1):93-118.
    This article investigates and resolves the question whether gauge symmetry can display analogs of the famous Galileo’s ship scenario. In doing so, it builds on and clarifies the work of Greaves and Wallace on this subject.
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    An architecturally constrained model of random number generation and its application to modeling the effect of generation rate.Nicholas J. Sexton & Richard P. Cooper - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Contradictory Information: Better Than Nothing? The Paradox of the Two Firefighters.J. Michael Dunn & Nicholas M. Kiefer - 2019 - In Can Başkent & Thomas Macaulay Ferguson (eds.), Graham Priest on Dialetheism and Paraconsistency. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag. pp. 231-247.
    Prominent philosophers have argued that contradictions contain either too much or too little information to be useful. We dispute this with what we call the “Paradox of the Two Firefighters.” Suppose you are awakened in your hotel room by a fire alarm. You open the door. You see three possible ways out: left, right, straight ahead. You see two firefighters. One says there is exactly one safe route and it is to your left. The other says there is exactly one (...)
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    Formations discursives et dispositifs de pouvoir: Habermas critique Foucault.J. Nicolas Kaufmann - 1988 - Dialogue 27 (1):41-.
    L'interet de Habermas pour lamodernitédont traite son dernier livre, le tourne vers les travaux de Foucault. Celui-ci aurait mis en évidence, dès l'Histoire de la folie, ce qu'il y a de nouveau sous le ciel de la rationalité moderne. Dans plusieurs chapitres consacrés à Foucault, Habermas esquisse une critique qui s'inspire substantiellement des travaux de Fink-Eitel, Fraser, Honegger, Rippel et Münkler, Dreyfus et Rabinow et de Honneth. Cette critique est radicale et prend pour cible la présumée théorie du pouvoir de (...)
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    Mortality salience biases attention to positive versus negative images among individuals higher in trait self-control.Nicholas J. Kelley, David Tang & Brandon J. Schmeichel - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (3):550-559.
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    Deux fondements à l'éthique: l'intuition et la critique.J. Nicolas Kaufmann - 1985 - Dialogue 24 (2):265-282.
    Voici deux heureuses initiatives que nous devons à des universitaires canadiens qui n'en sont pas à leurs premiéres armes. Selon toute apparence la conception de ces anthologies ne découle pas d'une planification entre les deux auteurs. Pourtant elles se complètent remarquablement bien, et ce sur plus d'un plan.1) Leur complémentarité réside tout d'abord dans lechoix des problématiquesrespectives. Bien que les deux auteurs manifestent un même souci pour des problemès contemporains majeurs en matière d'ethique, ils ne se recoupent que quatre fois (...)
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    Brentano, Twardowski, Husserl: esboço de uma teoria fenomenológica do conteúdo.J. Nicolas Kaufmann - 2000 - Manuscrito 23 (2):133-161.
    Neste texto, o autor persegue dois objetivos: Examinar o de-senvolvimento da doutrina fenomenológica do conteúdo dos estados intencionais representacionais, isto é, dos estados mentais, partindo da concepção brentaniana do conteúdo intencional, examinando a contri-buição de Twardowski pela tripla distinção entre ato, conteúdo e obje-to, e apresentando as críticas que Husserl formulou a propósito dos dois predecessores, na análise do conteúdo intencional das Logische Un-tersuchungen e no contexto da doutrina da intencionalidade como corre-lação noético-noemática; Mostrar como a fenomenologia poderia intervir no (...)
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    Negative affect and ruminative self-focus during everyday goal pursuit.Nicholas J. Moberly & Edward R. Watkins - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (4):729-739.
  33.  12
    Racionalidade teoria da aceitação e teoria da decisão.J. Nicolas Kaufmann - 2019 - Revista Guairacá de Filosofia 35 (1).
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    Flagellar export apparatus and ATP synthetase: Homology evidenced by synteny predating the Last Universal Common Ancestor.Nicholas J. Matzke, Angela Lin, Micaella Stone & Matthew A. B. Baker - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (7):2100004.
    We report evidence further supporting homology between proteins in the F1FO‐ATP synthetase and the bacterial flagellar motor (BFM). BFM proteins FliH, FliI, and FliJ have been hypothesized to be homologous to FO‐b + F1‐δ, F1‐α/β, and F1‐γ, with similar structure and interactions. We conduct a further test by constructing a gene order dataset, examining the order offliH,fliI, andfliJgenes across the phylogenetic breadth of flagellar and nonflagellar type 3 secretion systems, and comparing this to published surveys of gene order in the (...)
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    Classroom Exchanges: Big Data and the Commodification of Educational Communication.Nicholas J. Eastman & Ethan E. Hansen - 2021 - Education and Culture 37 (1):76-93.
  36. Apoptosis in cancer: cause and cure.Scott H. Kaufmann & Gregory J. Gores - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (11):1007-1017.
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    Interpreting Imprecise Probabilities.Nicholas J. J. Smith - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
    In formal modelling, it is essential that models be supplied with an interpretative story: there must be a clear and coherent account of how the formal model relates to the phenomena it is supposed to model. The traditional representation of degrees of belief as mathematical probabilities comes with a clear and simple interpretative story. This paper argues that the model of degrees of belief as imprecise probabilities (sets of probabilities) lacks a workable interpretation. The standard interpretative story given in the (...)
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  38. Theoretical equivalence in classical mechanics and its relationship to duality.Nicholas J. Teh & Dimitris Tsementzis - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 59:44-54.
    As a prolegomenon to understanding the sense in which dualities are theoretical equivalences, we investigate the intuitive `equivalence' of hyper-regular Lagrangian and Hamiltonian classical mechanics. We show that the symplectification of these theories provides a sense in which they are isomorphic, and mutually and canonically definable through an analog of `common definitional extension'.
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    Without 'informed consent'? Ethics and ancient mummy research.I. M. Kaufmann & F. J. Ruhli - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (10):608-613.
    Ethical issues are of foremost importance in modern bio-medical science. Ethical guidelines and socio-cultural public awareness exist for modern samples, whereas for ancient mummy studies both are de facto lacking. This is particularly striking considering the fact that examinations are done without informed consent or that the investigations are invasive due to technological aspects and that it affects personality traits. The aim of this study is to show the pro and contra arguments of ancient mummy research from an ethical point (...)
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  40. Not Quite All There: Fuzzy Mereology and Fuzzy Existence (abstract).Nicholas J. J. Smith - 2003 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 9:264.
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    Psychologie de la « conscience » et science du « behavior ».J. Nicolas Kaufmann - 1977 - Philosophiques 4 (2):313-326.
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    Counting half-shekels – Redeeming souls? in 2 Maccabees 12:38–45.Nicholas P. L. Allen & Pierre J. Jordaan - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (3):10.
    This article deals with a highly debated text, namely 2 Maccabees 12, specifically the problematic verses (38–45) which contain a theology that is distinctly non-Jewish in import. Indeed, most recent scholars concerned with this passage do not seem to be unanimous apropos the best interpretation of the events that are described, resulting in a range of different opinions concerning, inter alia, the afterlife, purgatory and/or doctrinal disputes between Pharisees and Sadducees. By means of an interpretivist or constructivist epistemology, the authors (...)
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    Imperatives and their logics.Nicholas J. Moutafakis - 1975 - New Delhi: Sterling Publishers.
    Study on the logic of normative discourse.
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  44. The principle of uniform solution (of the paradoxes of self-reference).Nicholas J. J. Smith - 2000 - Mind 109 (433):117-122.
    Graham Priest (1994) has argued that the following paradoxes all have the same structure: Russell’s Paradox, Burali-Forti’s Paradox, Mirimanoff’s Paradox, König’s Paradox, Berry’s Paradox, Richard’s Paradox, the Liar and Liar Chain Paradoxes, the Knower and Knower Chain Paradoxes, and the Heterological Paradox. Their common structure is given by Russell’s Schema: there is a property φ and function δ such that..
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    An Introduction to Personalism by Juan Manuel Burgos.Nicholas J. Healy - 2020 - Review of Metaphysics 73 (4):839-841.
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    A Kuhnian perspective on asset pricing theory.Nicholas J. Mangee - 2015 - Journal of Economic Methodology 22 (1):28-45.
    This article argues that the field of asset pricing theory is undergoing a scientific revolution in Kuhnian terms. The orthodox view is one of determinate change in causal processes and inherent stability whereby financial markets, left unfettered, allocate nearly perfectly society's scare capital. However, decades of mounting anomalous evidence against the implications of stable causal processes perpetuated by conventional models based on efficient markets and the rational expectations hypothesis have paved the way for alternative avenues of research. Although various approaches (...)
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  47. On education: a philosophical dialogue.Nicholas J. Pappas - 2018 - New York: Algora Publishing.
    Three characters with different skills and outlooks explore the idea of education, exploring what true education is, challenging common conceptions and putting forward rich definitions of education and what it ideally would be.
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    On authority: a philosophical dialogue.Nicholas J. Pappas - 2021 - New York: Algora Publishing.
    A philosophical treatment of the idea of authority, this book is a dialogue between three characters. "Director," a philosopher, challenges the others to think through their ideas of authority, how it is established, how it works, and how it can be either subtle or bold.
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    LXX Judith: Removing the fourth wall.Nicholas P. L. Allen & Pierre J. Jordaan - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (2):9.
    Given the strong mimetic and dramatic qualities found in Judith the authors make the suggestion that perhaps, before LXX Judith became a fixed, written text, the basic fabula might well have been part of an oral tradition. The authors accept that an appropriately written dramatic work, whether transmitted through reading or an oral presentation, by means of its performative qualities, has the potential to achieve immediacy. Here, the audience may become captivated with its own familiarity and memory of popular, communally (...)
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  50. Gravity and Gauge.Nicholas J. Teh - 2016 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 67 (2):497-530.
    Philosophers of physics and physicists have long been intrigued by the analogies and disanalogies between gravitational theories and gauge theories. Indeed, repeated attempts to collapse these disanalogies have made us acutely aware that there are fairly general obstacles to doing so. Nonetheless, there is a special case space-time dimensions) in which gravity is often claimed to be identical to a gauge theory. I subject this claim to philosophical scrutiny in this article. In particular, I analyse how the standard disanalogies can (...)
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